Sunday, March 18, 2012

TripAdvisor CEO speaks: "People like you truly make this community unique."

I was thrilled on Friday to receive an email from TripAdvisor's CEO. Here is what he said:

Dear Charming_Karl,
It's come to my attention that you've contributed an amazing 135 reviews since joining TripAdvisor in 2010. I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation to you.
People like you truly make this community unique. Because you've chosen to share your first-hand experiences, countless travelers have been able to plan and have their perfect trips.
Thank you so much. Happy travels, and I hope we'll be reading more from you soon.
Sincerely yours,
Steve Kaufer
CEO & Co-Founder

Thank you, Mr. Kaufer, for the recognition! I have been very diligently posting reviews on TripAdvisor over these last several months. I have gotten lots of great information on traveling on TripAdvisor, and I am happy to give back. My goal now is to bring this same sense of urgency to posting here on my blog! At the very least, I will link my blog to my TripAdvisor work to make sure that my readers get to share in the fun!

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